Search Results - Medical+Device

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Fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe
Fibre-optic ultrasonic imaging probe In brief Researchers have developed a single ultrasonic imaging fibre, capable of simultaneously accessing 3D spatial information and mechanical properties from microscopic objects. The device can perform label-free and non-contact imaging with a high resolution. Key benefits: Optical fibre technology:...
Published: 10/07/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sal La Cavera III, Fernando Perez-Cota, Richard Smith, Matthew Clark
Category(s): Electronics, Engineering, Healthcare, Optics, Medical Device
Wearable wound monitoring device using optical fibre technology
Published: 10/07/2024   |   Inventor(s): Liu Liangliang, Stephen Morgan, Ricardo Correia, Serhiy Korposh
Category(s): Healthcare, Optics, Medical Device, Engineering
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